
Video: A Day in The Life of IMSP

Check out our video made by the International Montessori School of Prague community! We are happy to share our vision for Montessori education with all. It features our inspiring students, teachers, school leadership, alumni and parents. Let us know what you think!

Are you curious about how Montessori can help your child thrive? Contact us to schedule and individual tour.


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Introducing IMSP’s LIDOVÉ NOVINY, a Czech-language newspaper written, edited, and assembled by our Upper Elementary students. This project was inspired by renowned Czech writer Karel Čapek. Čapek, best known for inventing the word „robot“, was beloved for his versatile and multi-genre pieces. Bouncing between modern fairytales, short stories, travel-logs, and biographical work, Čapek also had a particular affinity for the feuilleton, a short newspaper essay designed, not only to inform the reader, but to amuse them as well.

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IMSP Podcast: Meet alumna Tara Svobodova

"I would really encourage you to enjoy the time you have at IMSP because it is something I look back fondly to."

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The Benefits of Cursive Handwriting

It can be an exciting time when your child begins to read and write their first words. They are at the dawn of an exhilarating literacy journey that will open their eyes to a world of books, knowledge, and wonder!

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Helping your Toddler on their Path of Development

Parents today are constantly surrounded by images and ideas of what their children should or shouldn’t have and it can be overwhelming trying to decide what is best for their child’s development. Every parent wants to make good decisions when it comes to the items you choose to bring into your home, but how do we know which ones are more or less beneficial than others?

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IMSP Podcast: Meet alumna Mariana Beckova

"My three words to describe IMSP are independence, fun, and curiosity!"

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